
  • How to determine McCAL range of products to be 3 years or 5 years?

    McCAL 2000/6000 range is a 3 years matte and gloss opaque film, this range is using monomeric 80 micron vinyl with weatherable color pigment and has been the most popular range through out the years.  Custom color matching in this range is possible.

    McCAL 3000/5000 range is a 3 years gloss and matte transparent and translucent film, with a few colors showing its opaue.  This range is using monomeric 80 micron vinyl with weatherable color pigment and has been the most popular choice for backlit signs through out South East Asia and some Middle East countries.  Custom color matching in this range is also possible.

    McCAL SM5 matte translucent range is a blended polymeric 80 micron vinyl with higher grammage adhesive to suit the application job on flex banner and be more durable outdoor.

    McSign taking a harsher UVB-313EL lamp to simulate tropical zone UV intensity on all McCAL range of products and actual outdoor exposure to make this durability statement.  McCAL range of products used in temperate zone would extend its life time for another 2 to 3 years due to lower UV intensity.

    Illustrative lab durability simulation test against actual outdoor can be compared using these parameters:

    Q-Lab QUV is most freqently used testing equipment and using two types of UV exposure lamps:
     *  UVA-340 lamps for 120hr considered as 6 months outdoor in temperate zones
     *  UVB-313EL lamps for 500hr considered as 6 months outdoor in tropical zones

    None of McSign products are particularly made to be used in the polar zones.

  • Which of the McCAL range of products can be applied on flex banner?

    Application of cut graphics, letters or using colored vinyl as base on the flex banner can be challenging, it requires a good quality flex banner that have smooth surface and not easily release plasticizer to weaken the adhesive on the vinyl film.

    McCAL SM5 matte translucent range is a blended polymeric 80 micron vinyl with higher grammage adhesive to suit the application job on flex banner and be more durable outdoor.

    McSign taking a harsher UVB-313EL lamp to simulate tropical zone UV intensity on all SM5 products and actual outdoor exposure to make this durability statement.  SM5 range of colors used in temperate zone would extend its life time for another 2 to 3 years due to lower UV intensity.

    Illustrative lab durability simulation test against actual outdoor can be compared using these parameters:

    Q-Lab QUV is most freqently used testing equipment and using two types of UV exposure lamps:
     *  UVA-340 lamps for 120hr considered as 6 months outdoor in temperate zones
     *  UVB-313EL lamps for 500hr considered as 6 months outdoor in tropical zones

    None of McSign products are particularly made to be used in the polar zones.